In an attempt at openness, I want to tell you that homeschooling is hard.
I have really been struggling with our decision to homeschool. It is not so much that I am not feeling called to do it. I do think it's best for our children. God has entrusted the care of my children to me, not the government, not even the church. My problem lies more with my nearly crippling lack of confidence.
Somewhere along the way, I lost sight of why I am doing all this. Homeschooling, mothering, housekeeping. I got stuck in the drudgery. I'm overwhelmed. I look around and see nothing but chaos. I am reactive, not proactive. I have no routine--no rhythm to the day. I kind of lost my joy.
I started to hear these whisperings in my ear. Things like:
You are not smart enough.
You are not organized enough.
They're going to miss something important.
Just let someone else do it.
Oh dear. I am a big believer that this is the devil's best way of messing with my head. Little whispers of self-doubt. In all of this, I started to think I had to be the one with all the strength and organization and know-how. Me, me, me!
Seriously? I know better.
Here are the facts, people:
God has called me to mother and teach my children. He will equip me.
God doesn't care if I look organized or not. He cares that I treat my children with love.
Education is less about fractions and predicates, and more about loving Christ.
God chose this path for me, and I need to be obedient.
Homeschooling is not the popular path. It ostracizes me from almost everyone I know. People at my MOPS group. People at church. Even people at the store ("shouldn't those kids be at school today?"). It isn't an intentional thing. I certainly don't sit around feeling superior to anyone. Quite the opposite. Honestly, sometimes I view it as a burden in my life. And, of course, that is when it is most difficult to be joyful about my path.
I have to be careful who I listen to. I especially need to tell that little lying voice to shut up! I have to intentionally seek out encouragement. It isn't always easy to find. A lot of people are waiting for us to quit. Someone said to me, "Hm, I thought you'd be over this homeschooling thing by now." Many people think it's just crazy.
Homeschooling is kind of crazy. But crazy in a great way. It is the hardest thing I've ever done (as I lump it into the "mothering" category at our house). I have always been refreshed or encouraged at the right moments. I know it is what God wants for our family. I know He will direct me and give me the strength to do it. I know He is already growing me in the process. The growing part is a little frightening. But, in the end, I pray that I will have grown in faith and obedience, and that Hub and I will have raised our children to love the Lord, and have equipped them to teach their children the same.
Looking for encouragement?
Jeannie's Journal post on fear
Before You Say "I Quit"
The Call of God from CMA
"For God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
1 Sam 16:7