Friday, October 15, 2010

Make Your Home a Haven Week 2

I'm wrapping up week 2 of the challenge to make my home a haven.  Week 2 was all about gentleness.  We were to continue praying for peace, which I did, only I quit using the candle.  Yes, I'm just that cheap.  Would Courtney, our fearless leader, frown at that?  I don't know.

This week we were asked to play quiet music in our homes, and work on the way that we speak to our family.  I play music almost every day, anyway, so that part was so easy.  I used Pandora, and just played a couple of stations that I have made.  One of them was classical and the other was Christian, with artists like J.J. Heller, Sara Groves, and Chris Rice.

As for the gentleness aspect of the challenge...  I see that some people in my home are not talking to one another in a nice way.  I promise that I tried to speak in a gentle manner.  And I tried to encourage the kids to be gentle as well.  This one is really a challenge for me, in particular.  I have nothing to do but keep working at it.

The next challenge has to do with cleaning out clutter.  Uh oh.

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