I don't know how to correct this failure in myself other than reading my Bible and praying. Even making myself busy at church doesn't necessarily mean that I am focusing on God, and not on myself. Lately I am doing it on autopilot.
I find myself frustrated by this answer, like it isn't somehow going to work. I haven't made any time for reading my Bible in a long time. I have been praying almost every day, but my prayer life really is suffering and I know it.
I have also noticed that my expectations are often WAY too high. I am a perfectionist. Not that I will work at something until it's perfect, but that I have a vision of how it should be and if it isn't that way, then (a) I won't even make an attempt so as to avoid failure or (b) I'll be miserable because it's WRONG. See, that is just expectation. Someone wise once told me that if I use the word "should" a lot, especially about myself, it means I am expecting way too much. I have high expectations of myself that I can never realize, and so I am disappointed in myself, frustrated, and discontent.
In this scenario, it's all about me.
There's where I've gone wrong. I'm focusing on self. What can I accomplish? How can I change? Instead, I need to focus on God, which would turn my questions into: What can God accomplish through me? How will God change me? How can God be glorified through me?
I think that is exactly how I want to pray. I know that I am called to be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let my requests be made to God. There's the answer. I have to share my heart and soul with God (even though he knows, he likes to hear). I have to pray about my needs. And do all of if with thanksgiving. It turns out that time with God really is the answer.
I really over complicate things sometimes.
Boy howdy! (I say that often to your vulnerable blogs).